Board of Directors
4 Elements Earth Education Inc (4EEE) is governed by a Board of Directors that is collectively responsible for the management and administration of the affairs of the corporation. Members serve the Board of Directors on a volunteer basis and do not receive a salary or any compensation for their service. Board members are committed to exercising an objective point of view, having in mind at all times the well-being of the community and advancement of the 4EEE mission.
Juan Villarreal | Founding Board Member
Juan, Southern Lipan Apache, connected with Rick in 2007 through the Tracker School. Passionate about keeping the old skills alive, Juan brings a unique indigenous view-point to every educational experience.
Juan worked with Rick at many programs across the Country from Alaska to his home town in Alice -South Texas. Juan helped start 4EEE and continues to be a part of 4EEE with his Wife, Daughters and Grandkids.
Whether he's helping lead 4EEE programs or teaching wherever he goes, Juan serves as a gentle guide, helping people create sacred relationships with the land and life, as a care-taker and healer.
Heather Xochi Vasquez | Board Treasurer
Xochi has 2 children that have been with 4EEE for some years and has participated as a volunteer with 4EEE summer camps, and Indigenous People Days. She has been a practitioner and teacher of a variety of ancient healing modalities from many cultures for the past 15 years.
Xochi has been a part of indigenous practices since her early teen years and has a deep passion for deepening her journey with these philosophies and earth skills and being a part of ensuring these traditions are past on to our children who she believes are our greatest teachers. She has a Bachelors degree in Fine Arts from Sacramento State University and believes art is a sacred tradition, a way of praying and expressing the nature of our relationships with all that surrounds us.
Kristi Knapp | Board Secretary & Visiting Instructor
Kristi joined the 4EEE Board in August 2021, bringing over 16 years of experience with 4EEE/COTEF programs. As a long-time friend of our mission, community, and teaching philosophy, she is committed to growing the organization's presence on the East Coast in particular and to shaping the future of 4EEE to maximize its global impact.