
Fundraiser Benefit Concert

Friday September 6th - 5:30pm

Pioneer Park

Nevada City, CA

Join us for this Benefit Concert with a special acoustic set by Simrit Kaur accompanied by Basel Khoury

Upcoming events

  • Letting Go Ceremony

    09.20 | 4:30pm - Late

    Sundown Friday September 20th

    Pata Panaka Village, 16200 Lake Vera Purdon Road, Nevada City, CA.

    Arrival after 4:30pm

    The Ceremony is in honor of Tom Brown Jr. and is for us, the ones that are still here, it will offer us an opportunity to grieve and remember together as a community. Everyone that attends is required to participate by offering words, prayers, and offerings to the central fire.

    The Letting Go Ceremony is in partnership with the Siakumne Tribe and takes place at sundown on Friday September 20th at "Coyote's Dance Ground" Pata Panaka Village, please arrive after 4:30pm.

    If you are traveling from afar and want to stay overnight for the weekend there is camping available on site at Burton Educational Preserve or there are other accommodation options available in and around the Nevada City area.

  • Fundraiser Benefit Dinner

    09.22 | Time TBC

    Pata Panaka Village, Lake Vera Purdon Road, Nevada City, CA

    Siakumne Tribe and 4EEE invites you to a fundraiser dinner at Pata Panaka Village.

    A spread of farm to table vegetables, salmon cooked over the fire and home baked desserts.

    Welcome by Chairman Don Ryberg and Executive Director of 4EEE, Rick Berry. Tour of the Village. Raffle and music.

    Join us in raising funds to support the 26th Annual Indigenous Peoples Days event, a free, full volunteer driven event open to our community. Learn more -

  • Indigenous Peoples Days

    10.11-13 | All Day

    Pata Panaka Village, 16200 Lake Vera Purdon Road, Nevada City, CA

    See website for full event Info

    Siakumne Tribe & 4 Elements Earth Education invites the public to the 26th annual Indigenous Peoples Days Celebration October 11-13. The theme for this year’s free event is “In the Old Ways.

    Indigenous Peoples Days is the effort of the local Siakumne tribe and its supporters to encourage education and healing, by replacing Columbus Day with a native based celebration of history and culture. This year we are offering 3 days of Youth Program on October 9-11.

    A FREE, fully VOLUNTEER drive Event!