Fox Walkers Program Director, Pashu with Youth Program Instructor Mary & their daughter, Sunny

Teen Quest at Deer Mountain with Tata Erik, Instructors Pashu & Geoff

Coyote track at Red Sun Ranch

Pata Panaka Village in California

Juan Villarreal sharing about working with soapstone

Executive Director, Rick Berry & Juan Villarreal in Arizona for Teen Adventure trip
Fox Walkers pottery getting warmed for firing
The 4EEE California Crew

Visiting Instructor, Ian Mackinnon doing quickie bow game at Pine Barrens Family Camp

Coyote Tracks youth roasting bread on a stick around the campfire

Coyote Tracks youth learning about bow drill fire by friction together

Coyote Tracks youth playing awareness game

Coyote Tracks Program Director, Jamie Coyle teaching shelter building
Tom Brown Jr

Pata Panaka Village in California

Land tending at Burton Educational Preserve

Grandmother Oak at Pata Panaka Village in California

Johnny Moses sharing stories, with Siakumne Chairman Don Ryberg and friend, Tony.

Instructor Jorge Brana demonstrating rock boiling acorn porridge.

Fox Walkers youth being guided blindfolded by Intern Ryan Reynolds

Wondering on the trail at Red Sun Ranch in Texas

Fox Walkers youth circling up in the meadow
Rick Berry, Juan Villarreal and Don Ryberg at Red Sun Ranch in Texas

East coast teens preparing grass mats for their debris shelters

Youth hearing stories from Siakumne Chairman, Don Ryberg in the Big House

Johnny Moses telling stories at Indigenous Peoples Days
Instructor Pashu Esquibel, sharing about fire making with Young Fox Walkers
Fox Walkers youth making coal burned spoons
Instructor Mary with Young Fox Walkers hearing stories around a fire in the bark house
Fox Walkers youth making welcome staffs
Pond Camp at Burton Educational Preserve in California

Coyote Tracks youth developing their skills with the 5 minute fire challenge

Teens from Wilderness Passage & Teen Quest in the Red Woods California

Family Camp at Primitive Camp in the Pine Barrens

Teens exploring the frozen cedar swamp in Pine Barrens
Fire and story time at Family Camp in Pine Barrens

A few of the 4EEE Philly Crew
Family Weekend at Red Sun Ranch

Sunset at Red Sun Ranch South Texas

Tiny Tracks youth cozy in a debris hut shelter