Richard Pashu Esquibel

Fox Walkers Program Director/

Lead Instructor

 Pashu was born and raised in the southern California suburbs of Orange County. The eucalyptus and live oak groves in the canyon behind his childhood home were the beginnings of his inspiration in nature. His passion for wandering, tool making, history, culture, hunting and tracking, all started in that little oasis of wilderness.

From that early time in his life, the support and mentorship of many amazing teachers have guided him. Richard Fox (Grandfather), Marion Houser (Elder) and Pretty Feathers (Elder), were among the first and most influential in childhood. In 2007, Pashu attended The Tracker School, learning from Tom Brown Jr. and other instructors there. Presently, he credits the many children and elders in the community as being the greatest teachers of his life.

Pashu joined up with 4eee in 2012. Since then, he’s taught ancient skills, survival, tracking and land-caretaking to all ages. From glacier fed rivers of Alaska to the jungles of south India, he has trained, played and taught in many different environments.


Rick Berry


Jamie Coyle